Sunday, January 4, 2009

Bobby comes to Columbus

The weekend after New Years, Bobby decided he needed to see me again, desperately. I think the boy was really starting to like me...a lot...which I was a little concerned about because my feelings for him weren't that strong yet and I didn't want him to think I felt more than I actually did. I've always tried to be careful about that in relationships, because I really hate it when one party leads the other on and someone ends up getting their heart broken. And I didn't want to be the one breaking any hearts. Especially Bobby's since he seemed to be such a wonderful, nice guy.

Anyway, he drove up on Saturday morning, which I was impressed with since it meant that he left home around 7 am. When he arrived we went to the Bodies Exhibit--a traveling exibit of preserved and dissected human bodies as well as other preserved human systems (nerve, blood, etc). Really quite interesting and Bobby really enjoyed it because he had just studied Gross Anatomy and had all this stuff rattling around in his brain. So we walked around and he showed off just a bit by demonstrating what he'd learned. Okay, he showed off more than a little bit. I could tell he was really trying to impress me. But all I could think about was how cute and funny he was about his excitement for this stuff.

We went back to my house and I made dinner. And I showed off a bit too...this man had cooked me a pretty good dinner just a few days ago and I wanted to show him that I was far superior in that field. His forte was at the Bodies Exhibit, mine was in the kitchen. We had roasted chicken breasts, butternut squash risotto and roasted asparagus. Absolutely delicious. And then if that hadn't sealed the deal already I made him coconut avocado ice cream (a favorite of his from the Philippines) with lemon cookies.

Then he learned what kind of a woman a really am as I proceeded to kick his butt in Mario Kart. Yes, I am a geek and I love to play video games and I don't think he was quite expecting that. After we decided to get married he asked me how I would feel if he invited the boys over to play video games. He started laughing and shook his head, "Who am I kidding, you'll play with us!"

We played video games for a little while, then sat down at the piano together and I played and we both sang, which was really fun and sweet. Bobby doesn't have the best voice in the world, but he LOVES to sing and does it with just about everything he's got and it makes me smile all the time.

Then we just snuggled and watched a movie and kissed. He left around 9 and as I shut the door I realized that I missed him. What?! I miss him?! He just left 10 seconds ago...can you really miss someone that soon? Absolutely.


Anonymous said...

Dad and I are loving this story! We hope you and Bobby are having a wonderful honeymoon.

Anonymous said...

As much as I love reading this chronicle of your early relationship... WHEN DID YOU START WITH THE INCOCO NAIL POLISH!?!? :)

I put some on last night and it made me think of you. Hope you're doing well!


Annie Oldham said...

Welcome back from your honeymoon! I hope you guys had a great time. Mom showed me pictures of some of the places you were staying and it looked like you would have fun adventures. Love you!

Alicia said...

Adorable. Can't wait for he next installment.