Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Honeymoon! Part 4

Our last day we stayed in Panama City in the Old City, which was the original colonized portion. It has a wonderful, charming feel and we loved wandering around and seeing whatever we saw, like this old monastery ruin:

Our hotel was so cute, we absolutely loved it. It was an apartment that had been renovated from one of the original buldings and Bobby fell in love with the architecture and style of it, and we agreed that when we come back (and we have firmly decided that we will) we want to stay there again.

We had such a great time buying souvenirs and discovering the ice cream shop exactly next door to our apartment that had some of the best ice cream ever and some unusual flavors. We had some ice cream that evening and then the next morning before we were picked up to go to the airport.

As we were driving out of Panama City and flying from the green, lush country we were sad to leave. We had such a wonderful time discovering this country, spending time together and falling more in love. Panama will definitely see more of us again!

1 comment:

Kate Johnson said...

What a fabulous honeymoon! It was fun reading about warm, tropical places as I look out my window and see ice and snow. Hopefully the groundhog doesn't see his shadow in a few days! And I can't wait to play some games with you two. How are you liking life in Morgantown thus far?