Now Bobby says that he loves dental school. And I believe him. It's something he's wanted to do for a very long time and he's incredibly passionate about it and excited for the day that he can be all grown up and be a dentist. And of course I'm not complaining about his career choice, it means I'll be able to have pretty teeth for free for the rest of my life.
But sometimes, dental school can be excruciatingly painful. Like when there's three tests in one week, or two tests on the same day, or when the students practice giving eachother injections (I think I could handle the tests better than the...shudder...shots). So it's times like those that I know the friendships Bobby's made in school mean a lot to him. He's got buddies to commiserate with and celebrate with.
Here's his friend Dave.
And Josh. Good times in dental school...whether he's acing his tests or barely squeaking by, they're there for eachother, through thick and thin, through teeth and gums...It's just beautiful isn't it?
Oh I am glad Bob likes dental school, I even more grateful that Dave does too! We need to play when you come up here next!
Yea for good friends each other shots and and stuff...
Hey Maggie I found your blog through Kristens. You are just as cute as you were in HS. So you are finally getting hitched are you? Congrats and I am so happy for you.
What are you doing in Columbus? My email is if you want an invite to my blog.
Darci Martin Clark
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