Monday, February 7, 2011

In a Corner

Our house is small. Tiny. One of the things I'm really looking forward to as we move and get on with real life is living in a larger home. I want more room for Ruby to move around and I really want a bigger kitchen. I need a bigger kitchen. One that we can actually fit a table in that can seat four people. I can't wait.

Our little house doesn't bother Ruby in the slightest. She contentedly crawls from the living room to her room and back again. But her favorite places to chill are the little corners in the living room:

The first is the space between her toy basket and the console. And her music table is usually floating around here too.

The second is by the front door. We rarely use it, so it's a pretty tight space with the console and a chair making a nook perfect for such a little girl. She'll contentedly sit there for five or ten minutes before coming out, a big smile on her face, to see what she missed.

1 comment:

McArthur Family said...

When we moved into our home that is twice the size of our townhome, the boys literally ran all throughout and I had a moment of "it was all worth it." Then the boys said to me, "Mom, when are we going back to Morgantown, we want to go back to our house." ...hmmm, I guess it's all about what's familiar and that's the only house they've known. (I do think they've adjusted now. )