Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Big Race

The Decker's Creek Half Marathon was on Saturday and Bobby did great! I was supposed to run too, but hurt my knee on our last long run the week before. Actually, I was pretty bummed out about it too, since I had been working so hard and was doing really well. But, Bobby was kind enough to inform me that the Parkersburg Half Marathon is in August, so it looks like I'll get my chance after all.

The day was perfect for running--overcast and about 65 that morning. Here's the boys before they left.

I wish I had pictures of the trail, because it's absolutely the beautiful. The first six miles or so run right along Decker's Creek, in some gorgeous wooded areas(When we were training Bobby and I saw deer, wild turkeys and fun lizards). The next few miles are just through some pretty trees and neighborhoods and the last three are through different industrial and residential parts of Morgantown.

Bobby ran really well and did much better than last year (of course last year it was 95 degrees and the sun was blazing). Here he is coming in and crossing the finish line! And I must include, just so everyone knows, the timer is wrong! Bobby finished about ten seconds faster (according to his watch...hmmm...I guess that's not too suspicious, is it?)


Annie Oldham said...

Congrats, Bobby! You did amazing!

Kristen said...

Wow!!! 1.39, that is so fast, I am lucky if I get in 1 mile that fast. Way to go!

Jess said...

Good job, Bobby! Congrats :)
