Monday, November 3, 2008

Studying and studying and studying...

I completely think that anyone who decides that dental school is going to be their activity of choice is either a) entirely determined, motivated and passionate about life or b) certifiably insane.

Now take this specimen for instance:

This dental student has made it abundantly clear on many an occasion that he LOVES dental school, it's what he's always wanted to do in life, he enjoys learning and is having FUN (yes, that is the actual word used) in school.

Now, this specimen has a fiancee who has seen what dental school can do to a person...including buggy eyes, incoherent speech, memory lapse and general dishevelment. And while he may swear that he loves dental school, his fiancee may tend to think at times that his brain has indeed gone a little nutty. But she still thinks he's going to make one cute dentist.


dave&abby johnson family said...

I totally understand! I was hoping you would have some pics of you two dressed up for Halloween! What's the deal? I know they had two big tests today, but still.....come on. :)

Kate Johnson said...

Oh, yes. I remember those days. But there is hope...once Bob is into his third year, it will get much better! Hang in there!

Annie Oldham said...

At least he had you to come home to (and yummy angel food dessert). And he still needs a haircut ;)

Kate Johnson said...

I think I side more on the certifiably insane side.