The last time he was in clinic they were taking impressions of each other's mouths. And there is just something about the thought of having that huge tray filled with sludge inserted into my mouth that makes me want to gag.

They always say to breath through your nose, and I always do, but I think I have this fear of the goo running down my throat, congealing there and I suffocate, dying a horrible death. So inevitably, whenever I have had an impression taken, I gag and cough and the dentist or orthodontist glare at me like I'm the silliest wuss they've ever seen. Hopefully this dentist won't do that...After all, this silly wuss is going to make sure that this dentist has a full belly...
Yeah thats so exciting. I know Dave loves it. Bob you look so professional!
I'm glad we share the same hyperactive imagination, because I can totally relate. Makes me want to gag, too, especially when I see the sludge escaping and being flung all over Bobby's face. *retch*
Hooray for the dental clinic! I am with you on the impressions, Maggie. I always hated the taste, the smell, and the feeling of that gelatinous yuck in my mouth!
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