Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hair update...

Bobby's hair has started growing in a little, slowly but surely. He's growing more comfortable with it but it's still a little too short for him. I still thinks he looks incredibly handsome with short hair, so he's conceded to perhaps leaving it shorter than he normally might. I think. He wasn't very clear. He actually was very evasive. I believe his exact words were, "Well, we'll just let it grow and see what we think." I guess we'll be growing our hair out together. Hmmph.


Annie Oldham said...

Bobby, I think you look great with short hair, too. Though, uh, probably not in the way Maggie thinks you look good in short hair... But let's face it. I'm her sister. I'm on her team :)

dave&abby johnson family said...

I think Bob looks great! You two are just too cute!

Anonymous said...


To prove to you that I am blogstalking you, here are the links that I sent you last week... I figured it might be safer than just forwarding the email :)
Have a good week!

Kate Johnson said...

As Bob was giving a fabulous Sunday School lesson today, I was thinking, "I really like Bob's hair this length!" So, I am with you, Maggie!

Maggie said...

thanks, jess! i'm so glad you're my blogstalker :)

Anonymous said...
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Kristen Brady said...

Shawn had to give into shorter hair as soon as I started cutting it for him! I just like it shorter, and, let's face it, I'm really not talented enough to do a longer style and make it look good. I still think short hair is the best!