Thursday, January 27, 2011


When the music plays, our girl grooves. Head bopping, hip shaking she does it all. Bobby put on a little Feist when he was going to take a shower and Ruby took over the bathroom and turned it into her own private dance floor. Here's a little collection of her best moves.


Ashley said...

Oh my goodness! Look at those moves!! She is too too cute!!

Maren said...

I need to remember not to watch these videos in the library... I don't think people appreciate me bursting out laughing.

Grandma Kathy said...

She sure has the moves! We can't wait to see the show live!

McArthur Family said...

Love it! My favorite was the head and bootie shake with the hands on the cute.

Berta Loosle said...

Could she be any cuter!?! Best dancer ever!