Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Birthday

I had a wonderful birthday, thanks almost entirely to my wonderful husband. He surprised me the night before by doing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen so that when I came home from work, everything was spotless. I loved that! Especially knowing how much he hates to do dishes. He really loathes it, and so I know something special is going on when I find him at the kitchen sink.

The morning of my birthday he woke up earlier than me (as he does every day for school) and went about his morning routine. I woke up after he had left and walked into the kitchen to find this:

About a dozen balloons and a birthday hat and, let me just say, a huge smile on my face. I think I even said, "awwww" out loud. My friend, Natelle, also left a bag of cookies at the door, which was a lovely bit of sweetness for my day. Lilly, my sister Annie's 18 month old daughter, is just about the cutest thing you'll ever see in your life, and she called to wish me happy birthday too. I've got that message saved on my phone, and I play it every once in a while and smile every time.

Bobby called me throughout the day to wish me happy birthday. That evening our ward had an end-of-the-semester dinner and I drove there after work. He had bought a birthday cake for me and led everyone in singing happy birthday.

When we got home he presented me with my gift...which I was super excited about because it had arrived a couple days before in a rather large box, so I had a sneaking suspicion about what it was. He bought me a sewing machine! I had wanted one for a while now, and having told him that's what I wanted for my birthday, wasn't sure if he was going to invest in one. Bobby gave me the best birthday!

For everyone else who wished me well, thank you! Your love and friendship means so much to me and I am grateful for all of you!

1 comment:

Jess said...

I think Bobby is delightfully sweet, but Maggie, you and I both know that one's love is never properly measured until one makes breast of mermaid for someone else *wink* :)

Miss you!