Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ramp Festival

Today was a gorgeous day, and since it was a gorgeous day, we thought it would be nice to get out of the house. And wouldn't you know it...there was a ramp festival going on in nearby Mason-Dixon, PA. Well, I had never heard of ramps before (they are a wild oniony-thing that grows around West Virginia) but Bobby had grown up going to such festivals and we had researched where we could go a couple weeks ago.

It was your typical small town festival--lots of booths with local artisans and food vendors, some delicious smells, some good people watching (let's just say the humanity was somewhat stereotypical of what you might think would attend a small town festival in the middle of nowhere). But Bobby and I had a lot of fun.

We had some deep fried ramps which we stood in line for for about 15 minutes, and which were indeed not worth standing in line for that long.

We also bought some yummy strawberry rhubarb jam from a very sweet man.

And we saw some alpacas, I told Bobby about my dad's life long dream of running an alpaca ranch, and he thought that was funny, and then of course we had to take pictures. The alpacas were really pretty cute. They were selling teddy bears made out of alpaca wool and they were the softest, dreamiest things you've ever touched.

There was also a small stand of tractors and engines, and there was this really cool racing tractor:

We think my dad would look pretty spiffy mowing the lawn on this bad boy.

We had such a wonderful time, and even though the ramps themselves weren't that fabulous, we are definitely planning on attending again next year.


Annie Oldham said...

I LOVE festivals--big or small. Sounds like this one was just plain charming. So fun. I'm glad you guys had a good time, even though ramps aren't necessarily a good excuse to have a festival :) I keep thinking of you guys and the ostrich festival and hope it'll work out one of these years.

Mom said...

Well, I am glad you got to taste a ramp. There was an article on ramps in the Cleveland Plain Dealer before we left on our mission. I guess they are in Ohio, too, but I never knew anyone who ate one until now. What a fun way to spend a Saturday. I like those festivals, too.

dave&abby johnson family said...

I love festivals too! I am glad you guys had a fun time, yesterday was so beautiful! It was fun to see you guys the other night!!!!

Kate Johnson said...

How fun! I, like your other readers, love going to festivals.

As a side note, I grew up in ramp-eating country, and I just remember how the high school hallways would smell like onions for days after the big ramp dinners...I hope you didn't have to experience that part!

In contrast, I have also seen ramps mentioned multiple times in the likes of Martha Stewart and Cooking Light, so apparently these humble, pungent little onions are making quite the entrance on to the gourmet scene.

Glad you two had fun!