Thursday, December 2, 2010

New Developments

Ruby started inch-worming every where about two months ago. It was her way to go any where she wanted and when she had her mind set on something, man, was she fast! She had been worming her way around for so long that Bobby and I wondered if she would skip crawling altogether. She just didn't seem to have any desire to do it.

Then about a week ago she started to crawl short in a foot. If there was something close to her she wanted, she'd crawl. If she needed to book it across the room, the worm won out.

Then yesterday, it was like the inchworm was forgotten and never had existed. This girl is now officially a crawler!


Mom said...

Yea, Ruby! We sure wish we were seeing her in person!

Maren said...

Go Ruby go!

Annie Oldham said...

Ruby has two little cousins who were very excited to see Ruby going. The worm was not completely forgotten--she needed it to get her momentum going :)

Olivia said...

What a cutie!!