Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Christmas Eve we all went to the park and Ruby had so much fun swinging. When we visited Beeville she sat on our laps and swung for the first time, but in Phoenix she sat in the bucket swing all by herself. She smiled the whole time and I think our girl is going to be into extreme sports, because the higher she went the bigger she smiled.

Annie and I spent the afternoon getting Christmas Eve dinner ready and it was delicious. We decided to forgo tradition and have tamales, rice, beans and mango salsa and it was really good. After all, if you're in Arizona, why not try something a little tex-mex? And then we had profiteroles for dessert (cream puffs with peppermint ice cream and chocolate sauce...yum!)

We sang a few carols and read the story of Jesus' birth and tried to get Lilly to bed. After about an hour and a half, she finally fell asleep, Santa came and we crashed hard.

Christmas morning was spent checking out all the loot from Santa...though lots of credit has to be given to Lilly: when she woke up she wanted to see whether Santa read the note she left him and ate her cookies instead of seeing what he brought her. All the girls were very spoiled by Santa.

If you look closely in this next picture you can see Ruby's two little diamonds. So cute!

The rest of the day was spent playing with our new toys from Santa and family and enjoying spending time together. It was a magical couple of days.

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