Thursday, December 9, 2010

Brrrr....It's Cold!

We've finally hit winter here in West Virginia. It took a while, though, but that's just fine by us. The warmer fall weather has been nice, especially thinking about having a little peanut to keep bundled up and warm. It's been easy to just pack her up and go without worrying about her freezing. But now that the cold weather and snow are here, Ruby's got a mommy who's trying to be vigilant about keeping all those cute-little-munchable extremities roasty toasty. And Ruby doesn't exactly appreciate it. She hates getting her mittens on. But boy does she look cute!

And just so that everyone knows....we've accepted the offer in Beeville, TX. So this cold weather thing will soon be a very distant thing of the past. After a lot of talking and prayer we decided it's what's best for us now, so we're taking the plunge and heading to lands unknown. We're excited to have a job and to see what our new opportunity will bring our little family of three!


Annie Oldham said...

She looks SO cute! Just be glad you won't have to pack all that up when you come visit us.

And good luck with Texas. That's exciting for you guys and will be a fun adventure. Though too far away :)

Alicia said...

Wow! Congrats on TX! It's so exciting to strike out on your own...scary at times but so good.