Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Pumpkin Patch

We told Ruby last week that we were going to the pumpkin patch this weekend and was she ever excited! All week long, whenever we were out and about running errands and she saw a pumpkin she would chatter on and on about how much she wanted a pumpkin and couldn't wait to go.

So we bundled everyone up and went this morning. Ruby had a blast. We visited the pumpkin fields first.

Ruby had the hardest time picking out a pumpkin. She wanted one that was all orange and BIG...but every time she saw one she liked she saw another one that looked even better. We finally had to go back to the car and say that the first one she picked was perfect. And it is. Jack got one too...his is green and BIG.

Then we headed back to play on the slide (which was enormous, Bobby and I were both surprised she went down by herself...twice), eat some goodies, see some animals and have a great time.

Even Jack had fun.

We'll definitely make this an annual event. As we were driving home Bobby and I talked about how much we're enjoying living in Colorado. We love it here and can't wait to have more fun with our little family.


Annie said...

Looks like so much fun! Wish we were there :)

Grandma Kathy said...

I wish we could have been there, too!