Monday, July 27, 2009


Bobby got his results back from his boards exam and guess what??? He passed! Yay! I'm so proud of him and we're both so relieved that we won't have to go through this madness again. Now, onward and upward!


Jess said...

Congratulations!! How exciting!
PS: You (Maggie) were in a dream I had the other night.

Alyxendria said...

Hey Bobby Congrats, I knew that you were going to pass it with maggies support :-) You are halfway my friend. Maggie and Bobby Congrats! Hugs and again Congrats. I have about 2 1/2 weeks before schools starts up again ewww! Are you guys coming up to utah in the next 2 weeks? call me and i will take you guys out to dinner. Or Boston after the 17aug !!

Annie Oldham said...

"Go, Bobby, go," says Lilly :)

Ashley said...

Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you!

Erin R. said...

Congratulations Bobby! We knew that you could do it!!