Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back to normal...(whatever that means)

Bobby took his boards on Saturday. The test was in Pittsburgh so we drove up the night before and stayed in a hotel. Highlight of the drive up? Passing an older couple on one of those huge motorcycles with all the compartments and seeing the woman sitting behind her husband crocheting.

The test started at 8 am, and I drove Bobby to the testing sight and he proceeded to undergo 7 hours of torture. While he was thus occupied I wandered around Ikea for awhile then went to Borders until he called me to come rescue him.

So now we wait. We should get the results in a few weeks, and we're hoping that Bobby will pass with flying colors and we won't have to go through this insanity all over again.


Jess said...

I will be thinking of you guys during the long wait for the test results!

At some point, you might have to show me how to make my blog as cute as yours...

Alyxendria said...

Congrats Bobby and Maggie, I am so happy that its finally over.....I know the waiting is torture lol. I am sure you did great ! Memories of those days. Next year is mine...awwww Hugs to you both !