Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We had a blast for Thanksgiving...eating, playing with friends and spending time with each other. We have so much to be grateful for. Ruby had a lot of fun, but what she was really looking forward to was the day after Thanksgiving. Because that's when we decorate for Christmas.

So we pulled out the Christmas tree and ornaments and went to work.

And then we found the kids' nativity. Let's just say that Away in a Manger has been playing nonstop. And the kids can't hold still long enough to take a decent picture.

And then we decorated Ruby's little tree for her room. It just has a few glass ornaments and a tree topper. The girl was pretty worn out after all the morning's festivities and took a nap during quiet time. This is how we found her when we went to wake her up:

Yup, no clothes and clutching her tree topper. She makes us laugh. Every. Single. Day.

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