Friday, November 30, 2012

The Christmas Tree

I'm not one for Black Friday...I think it's one of the most horrible days of the year. Bobby and I have been out once since we've been married. And we only went out around 11 in the morning so that we could be sure the shopping wouldn't be too insane.

But this year I bit the bullet and went out at 5:30 (in the morning!) so that I could get a tree and have it up before Ruby woke up. She was so excited when she came downstairs and saw the tree. She could hardly sit down to eat breakfast she wanted to decorate it so badly.

She had a fun time pulling the ornaments out of their bins and handing them to me to put on the tree. And by the time we were finished we had a gorgeous tree all aglow and sparkling. Every late afternoon she begs me to be able to turn on the lights. And then she just stands in front of the tree staring and touching the ornaments.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I had grand aspirations to blog everyday about the things I'm grateful for (that obviously didn't happen).... But those things that I'm grateful for made me a little too busy to blog about them. We had a wonderful time this holiday. Grandma came to visit and Ruby had a fabulous time with her. We laughed and played, cooked and ate way too much food.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It's beginning to look a little like Christmas

Yup, I did it....I started putting Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving. I love Christmas and was quite happy doing it. Sorry, Thanksgiving. But the real reason was a little girl named Ruby. I just can't help myself because she is having so much fun. So this weekend while she was down in the basement watching a show I put a few things up. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care and a few other odds and ends were put out.

She was thrilled when she came upstairs and found everything. Until I told her she couldn't touch it. Bummer. But I told her I did have something she could play with:

She played with her nativity for 30 minutes straight and has continued to play with it every day since. I've had a sweet time explaining to her who everyone is and how baby Jesus was born (not in a hospital, in case you were wondering). And I've had to remind her a couple times that the baby is Jesus and not Jack.

Now she's just eagerly waiting for the day after Thanksgiving when the tree comes out.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Jack's Pears

I've started making some baby food for Jack since he'll be turning 6 months in just a few weeks. Can you believe that? I can't...time is flying by.

After I had puréed some pears and put them in ice cube trays to freeze I let Ruby eat what was left over. She devoured the rest and told me, "I love Jack's food!" Hopefully she'll let him have some when it's his turn to eat it!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Catalog Queen

We've started receiving various toy/kid catalogs in the mail, hoping to inspire us to spend our money for Chrismas. Luckily we're just about done spending for the kids so we won't be suckered into that. But Ruby has a great time looking through her "magazines" and will quietly sit for 20 or 30 minutes perusing the pages of bright shiny things. Jack's bumbo seat is one of her choice spots.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Before Winter

We've had a few gloriously beautiful warm days the last couple weeks and we've definitely taken advantage of them. Winter will be here soon and the kids won't get to enjoy being outside quite as much. So last week when the weather was nice we headed to the park. Ruby had a great time swinging and going down the slides.

She's starting to be more adventurous and trying to climb the different ladders, which freaks us out a little. Who told this girl she could grow up? (By the way she can now turn on the lights in the house just by standing on her tip toes...very weird.)

And Jack had a fun time watching his big sister from the comfort of his stroller.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Funny things I find....

This is Ruby's dinosaur. And her trick-or-treat bag. I had to ask her what it all meant....yup, her dinosaur's wearing his helmet. She makes me smile.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

She can't wait for Christmas

These days anytime we go shopping Ruby is on the look out for Christmas decorations. It's like she has a radar for it. We hit Target and she immediately spots the trees. And then we have to stop so she can gaze longingly at all the bright shiny objects. This girl is seriously into Christmas this year. I've told her we're going to buy a tree the day after Thanksgiving and she is so excited.

So we went to Lowes to buy some wood so Santa can make her present (a d-o-l-l house as we refer to it in these parts) and we made a stop by the trees so I could check out their selection. And that little detour ended up being about 20 minutes while Ruby danced to carols, tried on Santa hats and played with the decorations.

I can't wait for Christmas either, just to see how much she loves it.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Apple Cider Donuts

Yum yum...we made some more donuts this weekend (why is it that when I'm trying to lose the last of the baby weight I make donuts? I'm insane.) and they were yummy.

Ruby will never pass up a donut...when I put one in front of her to eat her face lit up and she said (in her excited whispery voice) "a dohhhhhnuuuut!"

Here's the recipe:

Our Best Bites Apple Cider Donuts

Quite delish....although I think I need to get a smaller donut cutter....these were monster donuts. But they were very easy to make and didn't take a whole lot of hands-on time. A perfect treat for a chilly fall day!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

He kills me...

Those cheeks, those eyes, that smile....I am powerless to resist.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Brother and Sister

I took these pics of Ruby and Jack just a few days ago and they make me smile when I see them. Ruby wanted to hold Jack (which she hasn't wanted to do for awhile since he's getting bigger) and she put her arms around him and snuggled him up to her. Look how innocent this all appears....

They proceeded to have some sort of secret communication that included giggling, smiles and babbling. Probably scheming to overthrow me....

"What, Mom? You think we're talking about you?"

Why yes, yes I do. They could be waxing eloquent about how wonderful I am, but I have a feeling they're conspiring against me. They're too cute for their own good.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


We had a wonderful time the last few days with our Halloween festivities. We had our church trunk-or-treat on Saturday, followed up with pumpkin carving and cupcake baking on Monday.

Ruby had a great time running cupcakes to our neighbors with Bobby. This girl has as much fun gifting others as she does getting goodies, she has a mighty big heart for a two year old.

Then of course we had trick-or-treating yesterday. Our two little kiddos were just about the cutest things I've ever seen. Though getting Ruby to hold still for a second to take a photo was impossible.

Ruby only went to a few houses but got some pretty good loot. She was a little astounded that she could get some candy just by saying "trick-or-treat". And of course she enjoyed the spoils after.