Today you are 6 months old! You are the most beautiful little girly I could ever imagine. You're becoming so much fun to play with and you always are amazing your daddy and me with everything you do. Here's what you're up to these days:
* Almost sitting by yourself. I can prop you up between my legs or in the boppy and you can sit for long stretches without needing me to balance you.
* Rocking on your hands and knees. You're going to be scooting soon and then I'm going to panic!
* Experimenting with new sounds. The other day you started clucking your tongue and your current favorite is gurgling your drool.
* Loving solids. You are such a good little eater. Right now you love pears, bananas, and sweet potato mixed with peas.
* It's getting easier and easier to make you laugh. I love to hear those little giggles!
* Your exersaucer is your favorite thing right now. You smile and bounce and wave your arms when you play in it and your little fingers are always busy with the toys.
Ruby, I love you so much! You are so sweet and always charm the socks off us...We can't wait to see the little girl you're going to become. I love you from here to the moon.