Sunday, April 11, 2010

First Sunday

I took Ruby to church for the first time today. I was just a little nervous. I was imagining a total meltdown, crying the whole time and me running out early with Ruby screaming her head off. Needless to say that didn't happen, Ruby was an angel. She made it until after sacrament and then needed to eat and then she slept for the rest of church. It was great! Now, hopefully she'll be just as good next week. Am I jinxing myself by saying that?

1 comment:

Annie Oldham said...

Yay for good babies in church! Ivy did just as well. She slept, I sneaked out to feed her during sacrament meeting so she'd make it through my lesson, and she slept the entire time. I'm glad Ruby was good for you and it wasn't the horrific experience you were expecting :)