Saturday, November 16, 2013

Another project....done!

We've slowly (emphasis on slowly) been chipping away at the project list that resides in my brain. Our house is feeling more and more like us. But that list in my head? Wow, it's long. And expensive. And time consuming.

Our latest task? Painting the doors and window sills in the kitchen and family room. When we moved in I think you might remember that it looked like this:

And then we painted the walls to look like this:

Here you can see our problem....the doors and trim were painted a pretty horrible pale peachy tan. You didn't notice it as much when the walls were terracotta, but man oh man it was bad.

I'd been putting this off for awhile, because I wasn't looking forward to the tediousness of this project, but I was sick of looking at it. So I bought some paint...Jack thought the paint store was awesome. Ruby loves the paint store and now Jack does too. Good children.

And over the course of a week transformed it to this:


Next big project? Refinishing all the banisters and railings and spindles in this house. That will be another tedious task, so I'm taking a week off before I start.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Good job! I wish we werecthere to help!