Monday, May 27, 2013

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens

You know how in The Sound of Music, Maria has arrived at the VonTrapps and hates the dad and decides she's going to make play clothes for the kids out of curtains? Yeah, Bobby took one look at the ugly curtains that were here when we moved in our new house and had a Maria moment. He wouldn't let me throw them away because he was going to sew Ruby some play clothes from the curtains. I thought for sure it would never happen but he surprised me and pulled out the sewing machine and cut the drapes up and sewed them himself. It was fun watching him work with his little girl. But there was no way I was going to let her out of the house in his creation:


B+J said...

I've got to give him credit for his creativity and willingness to even try.

Grann said...

Do a deer a female deer... :)

Grandma Kathy said...

Oop! It's Grandma Kathy! And it reminds me of when I made wise men costumes out of drapes for our bisopric for a ward Christmas party. Bobby, you're great!

Annie said...

Looks like Lord of the Flies at your house :)

Allison said...

I don't think clothing designer is a good backup career for Bob. She sure looks happy to be wearing them though.

Darci said...

Ok that is hilarious!!