Jack is nearly four months old and has completely consumed me for those four months. I know I shouldn't compare my kids but it's been so hard not to. Ruby figured out the independent sleep thing very early on and all we had to do was sing her a quick song, lay her in her crib and she'd drift blissfully off to sleep without a peep. This little man is a much harder nut to crack. Bobby and I have spent countless hours helping him learn to fall asleep on his own, bent over the crib rail, soothing our little guy so that he could do this on his own. It's finally paying off and about 90% of the time he doesn't need any help from us. We finally feel like we have our lives back.
Jack has also had a rough time with his eating, which he now seems to be over. Starting when he was about a month old he would scream and fuss while he was nursing. We put him on reflux meds but that didn't quite seem to make a difference. So we started giving him bottles which somehow helped. So I started pumping and supplementing with formula. Unfortunately, we're done nursing (makes me sad because I nursed Ruby for a year) but Jack is eating well and he's a happy boy, so that's all that I really care about.
But despite all the difficulties there are such transcendent moments of joy that I can't complain a bit (okay, maybe just a little bit to Bobby on those rough days). Jack is a giggler. He will laugh so easily and so often. It's the most beautiful sound to hear his giggles echoing through the house. He's a talker too, always squealing and cooing. He's been sleeping through the night more often and those nights when I get 7-8 hours of sleep have been glorious.
And then there's seeing our two kids together that just melt my heart. Ruby loves Jack and can get sweet smiles out of him. And she says all the time that he's her best friend.
What more do I need?
I thought I had the whole the getting your baby to sleep well thing figured out until I had #3...but it did get better after I stopped nursing. I'm glad you updated =).
I love those kiddos!
He is such a cutie - just like his sister! I am so glad the eating and sleeping things are getting resolved.
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