Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sleepy Heads

My mom and dad have been visiting for a few days and are enjoying some quality time with the grand kids....and a few quality naps.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ruby and Jack

Ruby loves Jack and has to be involved with everything he does. Tummy time, feeding time, even just lying around. She's my little diaper nazi, too: in the morning she has to grab all the diapers that I changed during the night and throw them away for me.

And if she hears Jack cry she usually says, "Baby Jack cry! Pacifier!" and then she runs and grabs the pacifier as quickly as she can. She's a girl that loves being a big sis.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Ruby decided one morning that she needed to have curlers in her hair.

She looks pretty cute if I do say so myself!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Introducing: Jack Richard Berry

Yup, the little man is finally here. Thank goodness! I was really ready for him to make his appearance, and despite our little scare a couple months ago, Jack decided to delay his grand entrance until he was exactly 39 weeks.

Here's all the gory details...if that sounds like a little bit of TMI, you can just scroll down and enjoy all the pictures of the cuteness.

Saturday night I was up for 3 or 4 hours with some pretty uncomfortable contractions and I thought, "Oh I hope this is finally it!" I was getting to feel very big, very uncomfortable and was thoroughly ready for Jack to come. Nope, no such luck. So Sunday morning I got Ruby and I ready for church (Bobby had military) and went on our way. Bobby got off of drill early and was able to meet us there when I started having contractions again and went home to take it easy. Throughout the day I'd have contractions and they were uncomfortable enough to make me stop what I was doing. But then they'd stop for a few hours and I was starting to get pretty annoyed.

I decided to go to bed early that night since I hadn't had a lot of sleep on Saturday and I woke up at 10 to the real deal. Finally! I laid in bed for a while and then roamed around the house a while longer and finally about midnight woke Bobby up and told him it was time to go to the hospital. We got Ruby up and whisked her over to our friends' house and were on our way.

We got to the hospital and were admitted by about 1:30 in the morning. Since I planned on delivering Jack naturally just like Ruby, we got to our room got settled in and then I focused on trying to get through the labor. Jack was posterior (which means he was facing my stomach instead of my back) which gave me horrible back pain the entire labor. It was honestly the worst pain I've ever felt, and we're talking about giving birth here. I told Bobby that when I contracted I could feel my uterus contracting and then feel the back pain and the back pain was so much more intense than just a regular contraction.

Luckily, our delivery room was outfitted with jacuzzi tub and that thing honestly saved my life! I was in it for probably two hours and I think it's what kept me going. Between the warm water and the jets, it felt heavenly. I got out of the jacuzzi so that the nurse could check my progress and we found out I was dilated to seven centimeters. I told her that my back pain was driving me crazy and I needed a little something to see me through. I was given a small dose of pain medication, which I wish I didn't take because it turns out this show was almost over. Five minutes later my water broke, ten minutes later I started pushing and ten minutes after that our boy entered the world at exactly 5 am on Monday.

He weighed 7 pounds 8 ounces and was 20 1/2 inches long with a full head of hair, just like his big sister. Speaking of which, he looked almost exactly like Ruby when she was born, except Jack has a little bit more of a pug nose. And he is absolutely beautiful.

And if you're wondering how Ruby feels about her little brother, this about sums it up:

She absolutely adores Jack. It's still too early to tell if she's going to have a little bit of a hard time adjusting, but as of right now she loves him to pieces and is going about her days as usual. Of course, Bobby has taken the week off, so he's been able to dote on her and make her feel super special. So it'll be interesting to see how next week goes when it's just the two kiddos and me at home. Gah! I'm outnumbered now!

And finally we got to take the new little peanut home.

We are very, very blessed.